LF chip

NXP Hitag 2


The HT2DC20S20 is a high performance transponder for bi-directional transmission in half duplex mode between read/write device and transponder.
Data are stored in the transponder in a non-volatile memory (EEPROM). The transponder requires no internal power supply; it derives its power from the magnetic component of the F carrier frequency generated by the reader. Data are transmitted by modulating this carrier.
The HT2DC20S20 is dedicated for use in secure access systems where the transponder and the reader have to identify each other. The choosable use of cryptography enables highest data security. Providing several operating modes (password, crypto, standard read only modes) the versatile transponder can be used in various applications The possible use of an installed reader base for read only transponders makes the additional use of HT2DC20S20 or the replacement of read only transponders by HT2C20S20 very easy.